Simple Craft

While camping with family my super duper crafty talented cousin Brandi at Lake Darling she brought out this simple little game for the kids to play. Such a sweet little craft – painted rocks in a drawstring bag with the tic tac toe board right on the bag! So of course I had to march right home and make one for myself!

Brandi did hers with Xs and Os, which I loved. But Drew and I decided to do ours a little differently and we painted fun little ladybugs in blue and red. a Sharpie to draw the board on the bag and you’re all set. When you’re done playing you pop those little rocks into the bag and pull the string tight and off you go! Brandi keeps hers in her camper and I’m thinking I will make another set just for that purpose. Maybe paint trees and owls or something campy like that. And another bag for the car to have on hand whenever we need to wait on something, like when we were waiting on an oil change the other day, or at a restaurant. And of course a bag to keep in the house because – well, just because!

Then Drew asked if I could make one for his friends who are brothers only do ladybugs and spiders. And so of course I couldn’t say no!

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