Field Trip

Last Sunday Drew and I went on a field trip. There is a little town called Lancaster just outside of Sigourney and all that is left is a handful of houses, a church, and this beautiful one room school house. I had never visited the schoolhouse before and since they were having their annual open house I decided to take Drew on an adventure.

The first floor

This little schoolhouse is the only one room wooden structure, two story schoolhouse west of the Mississippi! It has been preserved beautifully and we enjoyed our little adventure exploring the building and the beautiful grounds.

The second floor

We tend to think that we need to travel to enjoy beautiful places or pieces of history but sometimes they are right in our own backyard. It was fun to tour this and even better, we visited with friends and neighbors and people we knew who had gone to school here. Before we know it, those who did go to school here will no longer be with us which makes it even more priceless to talk to them and hear their stories!

This is the staircase that takes you to the second floor. We learned that at one time there were two separate staircases, one on each side of the building. One was for the girls and one was for the boys. Drew found that to be interesting and I explained to him that when I was in 4th grade our school building, which is no longer standing, had two staircases leading into the school. They were on opposite sides of the building and one was for the girls and one was for the boys.

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