Rain, Rain, Go Away

Oh my have we gotten a LOT of rain. Last year at this time we were praying for rain. It was so so dry here and we were officially in a drought area. It was awful. Everything was so dry. The ground had great big cracks in it, the grass was brown and brittle. We were being so careful with our water, worried our well would go dry.

And this fall – rain. Lots and lots of rain. I haven’t seen our “pond” so full of water in years. It can’t really be called a pond anymore as it barely holds water. But right now it is overflowing. The ground is saturated and there is water everywhere. Hopefully, according to the radar, after today we should see clear skies and temperatures in the 70s. Now if the humidty would just disappear we could maybe get started on this beautiful season called fall – crisp cool air, falling leaves, bonfires, sweatshirts . . .

One thought on “Rain, Rain, Go Away”

  1. We had a very wet spring, then about 5weeks in late spring, early summer that were dry, since July we’ve had rain, rain, and more rain! Mostly accompanied by high heat and humidity. It was cool today but again, rainy.

    I sure wish we could share the rain with the west coast!

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