Hollyhock Surprise

Two surprises – first my Hollyhocks bloomed red. I was expecting black! I forgot that my pretty black hollyhocks didn’t come back so I planted red ones in their place. The red ones are so pretty but I miss the black ones. They were so different. I might have to plant some black ones too. Red and black would look together I think!

Second – as I was watering flowers and taking pictures, I heard an odd noise. At first I thought it sounded like a bumblebee. A very loud and odd sounding bumblebee. But to my surprise it was a snake. Now snakes don’t usually bother me too much but this one was a pretty good size. I’m assuming it was a bull snake. They can grow to pretty big and they will rattle their tails. I didn’t get a good look at this guy – he was just as startled by me as I was of him and he didn’t stick around. I know that snakes eat mice and rats and that’s a good thing. I just hope he stays away from the house now. I think the crib would be a better home for him!

The Rest Of Our Memorial Day Weekend


I had two things I planned to get done over the long weekend – help Joe finish the lean to and hang some lights I had made on the pergola. What did get done? The dog kennel and lots of fun! Sunday we spent the day in Des Moines with my sister. They have neighbors who own a “lake” where they get to camp for free and they are the only ones who camp there. It’s 10 minutes from their home in Norwalk so they go out often. Lots of fishing, playing in the sand and yummy food was had by all! We were there all day and didn’t get home until after 9:00 p.m. and we were wore out!

The lake was an old quarry and back in the 90’s it was known as Clearwater Lake. They held concerts there and the lake was used for swimming. The Beach Boys played there at one time. I remember hearing about it but Joe and I were busy starting a family in the 90’s and never went. The old stage is still there and the old lifeguard stand. It’s a neat place for Beth to get to camp.

Monday saw us up and revamping the kennel. We made it out of hog panels and steel posts. The dog house is in one corner and it’s very roomy. Izzy had spent the past few years living in a horse stall so we thought she would enjoy the freedom of this kennel. And she seemed to be okay with it. As long as we were outside. As soon as we went in the house she would get out. We discovered she was climbing up the hog panels and then jumping out! So, we put a chain link cover over the top. And we covered one end with a tarp for shade. I know – it sounds very redneck. But it doesn’t look too bad and she is nice and safe. Plus – it didn’t cost us anything as we used what we had. She can’t get out, she has a nice insulated dog house, plenty of shade, grass to lie in, food and water. She seems happy and we can relax knowing she is comfortable and safe.

I never tire of the beautiful views at Belva Deer!

After finishing up the kennel and eating lunch Joe mowed the yard while I finished planting flowers and swept the deck. Then we took Izzy to Belva Deer where we met Dad and Mom for a picnic. Eric met us out there too. Izzy loved it. She is such a people person and she loved on everyone and she loved going for a walk. She was wore out after so much excitement and fell asleep on the way home. Then when we got home she went straight to her dog house and laid down. I think she’s liking her new family and home!

For a weekend with no plans except working around the house we sure did a lot of running but it was also a relaxing and fun weekend. Lots of family fun!

Change Of Plans


Our Saturday plans – build a kennel for Izzy then go to Des Moines to visit my sister. Sounds simple. We got up and started on the kennel. Then my dad called. He had his Mule stuck in a ditch on the side of the road and was afraid it was going to tip. So we ran over there and helped pull him out. That was a close one. Back home and I get a phone call. Abby had ordered a sign to be made by a friend, could I pick it up for her? Drew and I headed over to pick up the sign. Abby’s friend is the daughter of a good friend of mine and I had worked with her when I worked for the city so of course I had to stay and have a chat. And Drew had to see their chickens, goats and bottle calf. That took about an hour. On the way home Mom texted and said the greenhouse had fresh strawberries. So, off to the greenhouse for strawberries we went.

By the time we got home it was noon. Joe finished up on the kennel while I made lunch. Beth texted and said it was raining in Des Moines. Mom texts and asks if we want to go out for supper with them. So change of plans. We’ll go to Des Moines on Sunday and go out for supper with Dad and Mom. As we are in town getting gas with Dad and Mom our phones go off – tornado warning for our area. The sky looked really scary. But we were heading out of the storm area so off we went. It ended up being a beautiful evening in Mt. Pleasant. The restaurant was an experience. It was very busy and very small. There was seating outside but no empty tables so we went inside. A very small space, not much seating but we lucked out and found a table. The décor was fun, rustic, and the menu was big. They are known for their tenderloins so Mom and I got those. Joe and Dad got pineapple burgers and loved them. Joe and I definitely want to go back. After eating we spent some time walking by the Skunk River and through the campground on the other side of the river from the restaurant. It was a fun spur of the moment adventure. It’s good to be flexible sometimes!

A Visitor, Izzy and a Visit With Dr. Anderson

This beautiful guy was a visitor by our backdoor yesterday. Isn’t he pretty? He was all spread out on the patio then later I saw he was sitting on my birdhouse by the backdoor. And then he was gone. I think he just wanted to show off his colors for us to enjoy!

Wednesday was Drew’s last day of school. He got out at 10:40. We came home, ate some lunch then headed to Ottumwa for his hearing check up to see if getting his tonsils and adenoids out and tubes in his ears helped with his hearing and the fluid build up. He was so worried. He thought if he didn’t pass the hearing test he’d have the surgery again. We explained it all to him but he still worried. He got so excited during the test we he realized he really could hear. You could see what a relief it was for him!

Yesterday was a beautiful day. Drew and I spent most of the day outside working in the yard, transplanting flowers and playing with Izzy. I didn’t get everything done I was wanting to but it was nice to get as much done as I did! Later in the early evening Drew had a t-ball scrimmage then we took him over to Grandpa and Grandma’s to spend the night and then visit Braxton today. Joe and I drove out to Belva Deer to see if the campground was full for Memorial Day and it was. I was kind of hoping he’d suggest we pull the camper out but he didn’t and it’s just as well as we wouldn’t have found a spot anyway.

Dr. Anderson has the neatest fish aquarium in his waiting room. It is huge and is full of all kinds of fish. This is only a small portion of the whole thing. We see something different every time we visit and it makes waiting to much more enjoyable. We sometimes wish we would get to wait longer as Dr. Anderson is good about getting people in quickly although I’m not complaining. Short waits at the doctor’s office is a good thing!

Today it’s raining. I’m hoping the rain moves on so I can finish with my flowers although I might have to mud them in! I’m hoping to get it all finished today so I can help Joe make a kennel for Izzy tomorrow and hopefully finish up the lean to. I have projects I need his help with but want his lean to done first. Why is it that our lives get so busy that we can’t finish a simple project in a decent time? Oh well. Hopefully this long weekend ahead we can get a few things done, a few things started and maybe take some time to run up to Des Moines and visit my sister where they are camping. That can be Drew’s adventure! I’m going to stay away from the computer too as much as I can. I want to enjoy these next few days with my guys!


Mother’s Day Fun

Mother’s Day saw all of us wore out and not wanting to do anything much! Joe took Drew and I out for breakfast. Eric and Aaron had to work all day. The rest of us decided to meet at Belva Deer early evening for a picnic. Leftovers from the graduation party worked out great – no work required! Joe, Drew and I went early to go for a bike ride before everyone else came out. Later Dad, Mom, Jeremy, Abby and Braxton came and we had a nice visit. The boys played at the playground, we went for a walk/bike ride and called it a day. It was a nice quiet get together. Perfect for Mother’s Day! We are so blessed to have Belva Deer so close!

Looks like a serious conversation going on here!
Playing a little UNO while waiting for Braxton to come!
I love vintage tablecloths!
Pit stop at the bath house for Grandpa and the littles!

Hopefully next time we visit Belva Deer we’ll have the camper with us!

A Thousand Wishes

A quick post today. To take a quick breath and gather my thoughts I walked around the yard this morning. It’s a beautiful sunny cool day. The birds are chirping. There’s a breeze. Such a change from yesterday’s heavy rains. As I was walking around I noticed all the dandelions that have gone to seed. This spring we have lots and lots of dandelions. They don’t bother me. I love the cheerful yellow blooms. Joe on the other hand really doesn’t like them. In fact he bought some stuff for the yard to try and get rid of them but hasn’t put it on yet. I do have to say we have an overabundance of them right now and when they go to seed they aren’t very attractive but I keep telling him they are good for the bees and really, what do they hurt? Then I remembered what Drew said over the weekend. He said, “Mom we are so lucky. Look at all the wishes we get to make. We get to make a thousand wishes!” Why do kids see the bright side of things so often and we as adults just don’t?

I’m off to pick up all the toys in the living room, tidy up, vacuum and start loading up the graduation party stuff. Tomorrow we decorate and Saturday is the big day. Yeah! Oh, yeah, can’t forget the last soccer game of the season this evening. It will be a nice evening to spend outside!

Painting the Day Away


I looked out the window around 8:00 last night and saw this beautiful sky. I braved the cold and wind to run out and snap a picture and it was gone by the time I got back in the house. It’s the simple things that bring joy.

We had another cold, wet, windy day today. A perfect day to stay inside and paint. I managed to get the living room all painted. It took all day and went a lot slower than the dining room. Of course having a six year old in the house today didn’t help! Now I need to get the living room put back together. I ran out of time for that. I’d like to keep on painting but I think I’d better spend tomorrow making sure I have everything ready for graduation and make my grocery list. Then maybe Wednesday I can get back to it.

This is a before picture of the living room. I’m keeping the border. I know wallpaper is out of style but I like this border and I’m not ready to take it down yet. I obviously don’t decorate according to what is in style anyway – nothing in this picture was bought in a big box store or a mall! The pictures were stitched by me and most everything else came from a thrift store, flea market, antique store or online.

And the after picture. I’m really liking it. It’s actually much darker than the picture shows. It makes the room feel cozy and warm. The rest of the walls are a shade called Heartland. A medium shade of tan maybe? Not sure how to describe it but not much different than before. Which made it a little difficult to paint – it was hard sometimes to see where I’d been and where I was going. It’s the same shade as the dining room to tie things together. Funny how a fresh coat of paint makes everything look and feel better – even if it’s there’s not much change in color.


Rain, Rain Go Away

The weather has been miserable here. I’ve even turned the furnace back on. I don’t ever remember running the furnace in April and especially not in May. The poor chickens have been cooped up since Thursday. Joe opened their door up for them yesterday and they refused to go outside. Drew tries to go out but comes right back in. It is cold, windy, muddy, miserable out there. On the bright side – it looks like after today things might be turning around. Warmer and sunshine – yeah! I will definitely appreciate it when it comes! The sun is even trying to shine right now – yeah!

Dreary dreary days

Last Thursday I painted. And painted and painted and painted. I almost got the dining room done. I decided I like the color so much, I’m going to paint the living room, hallway, our bedroom, the kitchen and maybe even the bathroom in the same color. It will take me awhile to get it all accomplished, especially with graduation coming and hopefully with the weather turning for the better here I’ll need to be working outside. But I will get it done. These walls haven’t been touched for years and it’s definitely time.

A very neutral paint color. So much better than the green I had before. I don’t know what I was thinking! I still have some rearranging and decorating to do but that will have to wait until all the painting is done. That will be the fun part!

Friday I subbed at the elementary school. That was an experience. I worked with a very challenging boy for sure. I was in an old friend’s classroom, someone I hadn’t seen in a long time and we had a nice visit. All in all it was an enjoyable yet very tiring day. We should all appreciate the associates out there who dedicated their time working with special needs kids. It is an extremely rewarding job yet one of the hardest jobs I can ever imagine.

Lots of mud puddles.

Saturday was spent finishing up painting the dining room and getting the room put back in order. Then off to Jeremy and Abby’s in the afternoon. They invited us over for supper so we went a little early to have time to play with Braxton. He was mad at us when we got there because we took so long! It’s fun to watch him and Drew – they play together so well.

If April showers bring May flowers we should have an abundance of beautiful blooms!

On Sunday we ended up running to Ottumwa to Menards. Joe needed more boards to finish his lean to and Drew needed a package of toys to put in a piñata at school. We picked up a few groceries too while we were there but since it wasn’t a planned trip I didn’t get everything I needed. I’ll have to sit down this week and figure out what I need for graduation food wise. It’s hard to believe it’s only two weeks away.

My Lily of the Valley are starting to bloom. These came from Mom. They are one of her favorites and she carried them in her wedding. We planted these about three years ago and they are slowly starting to spread out and fill in. The blooms are beautiful – small but  mighty!

More New Babies

Look what Drew found last night! I knew Miss Mindy had had her kittens but never dreamed she would have them up by the house. It looks like there are seven of them to be exact. Now Miss Mindy is a feral cat. She sticks around because we feed her and water her and we are grateful she does because she’s a great mouser too. But because she’s pretty much wild (nobody has ever been able to catch her) I never dreamed she would have kittens up by the house. There is a feral tom cat living down by the crib that we see once in awhile and maybe she felt her babies would be safer closer if she kept them closer to us. She may move them now that Drew has found them though. I was actually surprised to see them still in the same spot this morning. These babies will be a new project for Drew if they stay around. He will work hard to tame them!