Stuck In A Rut

I seem to be stuck in a rut. This happens once in awhile. I don’t want to stitch. I don’t want to crochet. I can’t think of anymore signs I want to paint. I’m in need of a good book or series to read. I have this desire to be doing something but I just can’t put my finger on what it is I want to be doing. I know this will pass. It always does. I just wish I could figure out what it is I have a “need” to be doing!

Drew is not stuck in a rut – he stays busy from sun up to sun down. We have dinosaur families all over the house right now!

Joe will be home today. Hurray! He’s been gone since Monday. We have t-ball tonight and we’re camping with Dad and Mom at Belva Deer starting today through Sunday. Then Monday and Tuesday will see Joe, Eric and I in Iowa City for college orientation. Not sure I’m ready for that but it’s coming whether I’m ready or not! The University of Iowa. A big place. Scary to me but Eric is looking forward to it. It will be fun to get a closer look at the college. Then three t-ball games next week to end up the season and it should be nice and quiet around here for awhile. I’m definitely ready for that.

He made what he calls a “spikey ball” today. Pretty cool!


It was a beautiful night for a game of T-Ball. Their first home game. I was thinking how all four of my kids have played on these fields and how many hours I’ve spent out here. Then it dawned on me – I played on these fields when I was little too! So I’ve really spent a lot of time out here!

Peonies and T-Ball

It’s always nice to get back into our routine after a long weekend. Although holiday weekends are lots and lots of fun, there’s something to be said for the regular day to day routine of living.

My peony bush has finally bloomed and it is beautiful! I’ve never seen so many blooms on this bush. I have four other bushes I planted last year. They came up this year but are small and aren’t blooming. I hope they do better next year. Five bushes blooming would be so pretty!

Waiting patiently for his first time at bat.

Drew had his first t-ball game. It was held in Parnell. The game was to start at 5:30 but after some kind of mix up they ended up not playing until 6:30. At least they didn’t just send us home. We were willing to wait an hour and get the game in and not have to come back some other time. They don’t keep score, everyone gets to bat and everyone goes out on the field. It was pretty comical to watch and the boys all had fun. We stopped in North English on the way home for ice cream. Next game is Friday in Williamsburg. We just might have to stop in North English again on our way home – they have great ice cream!

He had no idea what he was doing behind the plate. He never got off his knees! He said it was fun though!

A Visitor, Izzy and a Visit With Dr. Anderson

This beautiful guy was a visitor by our backdoor yesterday. Isn’t he pretty? He was all spread out on the patio then later I saw he was sitting on my birdhouse by the backdoor. And then he was gone. I think he just wanted to show off his colors for us to enjoy!

Wednesday was Drew’s last day of school. He got out at 10:40. We came home, ate some lunch then headed to Ottumwa for his hearing check up to see if getting his tonsils and adenoids out and tubes in his ears helped with his hearing and the fluid build up. He was so worried. He thought if he didn’t pass the hearing test he’d have the surgery again. We explained it all to him but he still worried. He got so excited during the test we he realized he really could hear. You could see what a relief it was for him!

Yesterday was a beautiful day. Drew and I spent most of the day outside working in the yard, transplanting flowers and playing with Izzy. I didn’t get everything done I was wanting to but it was nice to get as much done as I did! Later in the early evening Drew had a t-ball scrimmage then we took him over to Grandpa and Grandma’s to spend the night and then visit Braxton today. Joe and I drove out to Belva Deer to see if the campground was full for Memorial Day and it was. I was kind of hoping he’d suggest we pull the camper out but he didn’t and it’s just as well as we wouldn’t have found a spot anyway.

Dr. Anderson has the neatest fish aquarium in his waiting room. It is huge and is full of all kinds of fish. This is only a small portion of the whole thing. We see something different every time we visit and it makes waiting to much more enjoyable. We sometimes wish we would get to wait longer as Dr. Anderson is good about getting people in quickly although I’m not complaining. Short waits at the doctor’s office is a good thing!

Today it’s raining. I’m hoping the rain moves on so I can finish with my flowers although I might have to mud them in! I’m hoping to get it all finished today so I can help Joe make a kennel for Izzy tomorrow and hopefully finish up the lean to. I have projects I need his help with but want his lean to done first. Why is it that our lives get so busy that we can’t finish a simple project in a decent time? Oh well. Hopefully this long weekend ahead we can get a few things done, a few things started and maybe take some time to run up to Des Moines and visit my sister where they are camping. That can be Drew’s adventure! I’m going to stay away from the computer too as much as I can. I want to enjoy these next few days with my guys!