Potting Plants . . .

We finally got some rain last night – we needed it.  Now we are enjoying a hot sticky day.  I’m ready for cooler days already.  I just don’t enjoy the hot muggy days we’ve been having.  Although it’s not so bad outside this afternoon if you’re in the shade.  I had some leftover potting soil from earlier this spring and decided to use some of it up by trying some indoor plants.  As I was sitting outside on the patio in the shade potting my plants there was a beautiful breeze.  It was so nice enjoying the cool breeze, with my hands in the dirt and Drew’s kittens playing at my feet.  And being alone – it’s a very unusual day for me.  Joe and Eric are at work and Drew is spending the day with my dad and mom.  I rarely have time alone at home.  I treasure these times but I’m always ready for everyone to come back home.  The quiet is nice but I miss the noise and knowing everyone is home.


I found some McCoy planters at a thrift store in a neighboring town and went shopping here at home to find a few more.  My history with houseplants is a little lacking – I have struggled in the past to keep anything alive.  Remembering to water them seems to be a problem.   I’m hoping that being home now I will be able to remember!  Another issue I’ve discovered is Pierre.  I’ve caught him chewing on some of these.   And digging a couple of them up.   Naughty kitty!  Now off to find homes for them.  And another issue – with two beautiful big old oaks outside I get a lot of shade throughout the day so finding sunny spots will be a challenge.

Good Morning!

Sunrise this morning – it was beautiful!

Today Eric and I had dentist appointments so off to Ottumwa we went.  I have always enjoyed having alone time in the car with the kids.  It’s the best time for conversation.  They always seem to open up the most when I’m driving and we are alone.  Today we talked about all kinds of things – what is going on in the world, music on the radio, college . . .

Our appointments went well.  No cavities for either of us.  While we were there I asked to make an appointment for Drew as he was due for a check up.  They were able to fit him in while we were there.  Unfortunately he gets to go back on Thursday to have a filling.  His first one.  He does well at his check ups so I’m sure he’ll do fine with this too.  We love our dentist – all of us – he’s very good.  He’s good with Drew – talks to him, explains what is going on, and jokes along the way.  Is it crazy to feel blessed to have found a great dentist??!!

Laundry Lessons . ..

IMG_1125Laundry is not my favorite household chore. In fact, I really really don’t like to do laundry.  Unless the weather is nice and I can hang my clothes outside.  Then I don’t mind doing the laundry at all.  There’s just something so relaxing about hanging clothes out.  And seeing those clothes hanging on the line all day, dancing in the wind.   And the wonderful smell of those sun dried clothes.  One of things I so love about summer is being able to have bedding that has been line dried.  I seem to sleep so much better on sun kissed sheets! But one thing I haven’t hung out for years was my towels.  My “guys” didn’t like how stiff they were coming off the line.  So, I did some research to see what I could do to keep them from getting so stiff and this is what I found out – if you tumble dry your sheets for about five minutes in the dryer before you hang them out – they won’t be so stiff.  Yeah!  They aren’t quite as soft as I was hoping but they are definitely softer and it’s so worth it when you consider how much money you are saving by using your clothesline and not your dryer.  It works for jeans too!  A few things I do when hanging my clothes out:

  1.  Since my actual line is plastic cord I clean it periodically with a little warm soapy water and a rag.  Otherwise it can get really gross and gunk may come off onto your clothes.
  2. I hang my whites in the direct sun and my colors in the shade.  You can also hang your whites on the outside line and your colors on the inside lines to keep the colors shaded.  The sun can fade your clothes, which is great for whites, not so great for colors.
  3. I snap each item of clothing before hanging to reduce wrinkles.
  4. When hanging a variety of clothes that belong to different family members, I dedicate a separate line for each person.  I also hang like clothes together – bottoms first, then shirts, socks, etc.  It just looks nicer to me!  I used to not dedicate a line – but would hang all bottoms first, then shirts, etc.  It looked so nice but . . . .
  5. Dedicating the lines makes it easier when taking the clothes off the line.  I always fold them as I’m taking them off and this way they are separated according to person which makes putting them away so quick and easy.  Just grab each individual pile out of the basket and carry them to the coordinating room – easy peasy.

I find it so relaxing to hang my clothes out.  It make me slow down and enjoy the outdoors.  Listen to the birds sing, watch the kittens play.  All while doing a chore that when done inside is exactly that – a chore!


Staycation Day 2

Day 2 of our staycation – on to Maquoketa Caves.  We visited here last year and loved it so much we decided to take my dad and mom along with us this year.  Unfortunately Eric had to work so he had to stay behind.  First we ate our picnic lunch – PB & J sandwiches and chips!  As you can see – at the visitor station Drew found a snake to make friends with.  He loves all things creepy crawly and thank goodness I’m not too squeamish.  I don’t know how I would have survived all these years with three boys if I was!  Drew even let me pet this little guy before giving him back to its owner! (Again, I apologize for the poor quality of the photos.  Forgot my camera again)

The view looking out before heading into the cave.
The view looking out before heading into the cave.
Mom was not sure about this. We didn’t realize how much she didn’t like caves until we got in here. Sorry Mom!
The other side of the cave - beautiful!
The other side of the cave – beautiful!

I am always amazed at how the terrain changes so drastically in Iowa.  Just a couple of hours from here it is flat and you can see for miles.  Here you find this.  So many people seem to have the misconception that Iowa is all corn fields.  Boy are they wrong!

You can hike for hours in this State Park – up and down the bluffs – down in the bottom along the water, exploring caves big and small.  It was a little too rough for Dad and Mom so we spent a little time here and then decided to see what else we could find.

We headed towards the beautiful Mississippi River and the river drive.  We drove past the American Pickers headquarters.  It’s not much – a couple little buildings.  We didn’t stop as there were lots of people.  We kept on going – enjoying the Mississippi River.

Mom wanted to try and find Wildcat Den State Park.  She had never been there but remembered Grandpa and Grandma Houseal talk about it when she was young.  Talk about a hidden gem.  It wasn’t easy to find, and we really had no idea what we were getting into.  When we first found the park, we didn’t see anything too exciting – another pretty Iowa State Park to drive through.  But we had been cooped up in the truck for quite some time and Drew needed to get out and run so we pulled into a parking lot that held lots of cars but no people and let him run. Of course, he found a trail and this is the first thing we found:


A pretty body of water – looked a little deep and was running a little fast.  It would have been so relaxing to just sit along the bank and take a nap here!  But not with Drew – we had to keep exploring! So onto another trail on the other side of the parking lot – and what a great surprise!

IMG_6047IMG_6046This time we found sandstone bluffs.  It was so much fun climbing up and down the bluffs – sometimes between them!  There was graffiti all over them – it doesn’t take much carve a name into sandstone.    It amazes me that we had never heard about this park.  It’s not too far from home.  We even stopped for a potty break and mom asked directions and the lady at the counter had never heard of Wildcat Den – and it was just around the corner from the convenience store!  I love finding places like this – so much better than anything commercialized.

Drew is not afraid of heights – he loves climbing!


Yes - Buddy the hedgehog went along too. Drew insisted on a picture!
Yes – Buddy the hedgehog went along too. Drew insisted on a picture!

IMG_6051The park had this beautiful, easy to walk trail.  We walked and walked until we found the end and then back to the truck.  So much to see, everything was so green and pretty.  I hope to go back this fall when the leaves are changing and the air is crisp and cool.  I bet it would be breathtaking!IMG_6053Two full days of hiking, up and down and all around.  Hopefully this will keep this little guy content for awhile until our next “adventure”!

Memorial Weekend Staycation Fun

A beautiful barn outside of Solon. I enjoy looking at all the unique barns we have in Iowa.

Drew is always wanting to go on an “adventure”, so we decided to go on one on Saturday.  I had seen an article about waterfalls in Iowa and one of the locations happened to be close to home so off we went!  It was a beautiful day with a chance of rain but we took our chances.  We had camped several times in this area in the past but we had no idea this hidden gem was so close to where we had been.  (I apologize in advance for the pictures – I forgot my camera and was using my phone) We took off mid-morning on our adventure and this is what we found:

Lake Macbride from the dam.
Lake Macbride from the dam – just seconds before the rain!

We found the lake with no problem but it took a little trial and error to find the waterfall.  Then as we were just getting ready to cross the dam on foot it started to rain, hard!  So, we ran back to the truck, drove to town and treated ourselves to an ice cream cone to wait out the rain.  It was worth the wait!

Drew, as usual, exploring ahead of everyone. The falls are just on the other side of this huge rock.


Eric just tolerates my picture taking - and his little brother hanging on his leg!
Eric just tolerates my picture taking – and his little brother hanging on his leg!

They weren’t really waterfalls – but were still neat to see.  A fun way to spend the day, didn’t cost much money and we were home and relaxing by evening.  A fun day spent with family!  So much fun that we decided to take my dad and mom the next day on another “adventure”!

Heading back over the rock to find our truck and head home.
Heading back over the rock to find our truck and head home.

New York, New York

It was prom last Saturday – and the theme was New York  City!  The junior class did an awesome job transforming the gym into New York City.  The Golden Gate Bridge, a carriage and park bench, a taxi and skyscrapers.  They did a wonderful job and all the kids looked to nice dressed in their finest.

IMG_1004 (2)

Dressed and ready to pick up his date –

little brother had to be in the picture!


First a meal with friends and such a great group of kids they are.  Some of these kids have been close friends for years and it’s been so fun to watch them as they grow up.  Supper was held at one of the boy’s grandparents’ house.  They were supposed to eat outside by the pond but it was a cold and rainy day so they stayed inside and looked out over the pond.  It was a beautiful setting.



Arriving at the school.

IMG_1076And Grand March – don’t they look awesome!


Saturday Morning Adventure


Drew loves to go on what he calls “adventures”.  Last Saturday he wanted to take his dad and I down to the creek where he goes to play when he’s at Grandpa and Grandma Ward’s house.  I used to go down to the creek when I was a little girl – I could sit for hours and watch the water flow by.

See the Canadian Geese watching us?


The neighboring cows kept an eye on us too!


I loved watching Drew and his dad playing in the water.

Every little boy should have a creek to play in!

Happy little boy!


And here at Drew’s feet we have a raccoon skeleton. Drew is fascinated with any bones that he finds!


Thank you Drew for the adventure!

I love these kinds of adventures – they don’t cost a thing yet are so much fun.  Any time spent outdoors is time well spent and spending time with Joe,Dad, Mom and any of the kids is priceless!

I Should Have Known

My five-year-old is a very strong willed child.  He has been a challenge from the day he was born.  Any discipline that worked with his older siblings is not going to work with him.  So – no times outs, no taking away toys, no yelling, no sending him to his room.  What worked before, does not work now.  So, I should have known not to get the fingernail polish out.  I haven’t used polish for a couple of years knowing that usually out of sight is out of mind.  Drew loves polish and he wants to put it on himself.  He isn’t happy with an adult putting it on for him.  So I would rather not use it than have to fight Drew over it.  But . . . the weather was nice, out came the sandals, and toes look so much better when polished.  That was last Sunday.  I made two mistakes – I used the polish in front of him and I didn’t have enough time to polish his toes too. Again, I should have known.  So then the polish was put away and forgotten about.  Or so I thought.  On Wednesday, Drew decided to polish his toes.  And his carpet.  And I thought he was playing with his dinosaurs!  So . . . how do you get half a bottle of polish out of carpet?  With the help of Pinterest I now know that baby wipes, rubbing alcohol and lots of elbow grease does a fairly good job!  I should have taken before and after pictures but at the time I was simply working on staying calm and getting the mess cleaned up – not on taking pictures!  So, Drew and I have pretty polished toenails.  Drew’s carpet is saved.  And I will wait another year to get the polish out hoping that in another year he won’t want to use nail polish like mommy anymore.  I’m learning to pick my battles and unpolished toes are a small price to pay to keep the peace.

Yesterday morning was spent in the timber with my parents and Drew.


I know spring is here when the bluebells bloom and this year they are absolutely gorgeous.



The timber was a blanket of blue – pictures don’t come close to the how pretty this scene is – a sea of blue blanketed the whole timber!  When I was young I would wander down to the timber every spring and pick a bouquet of bluebells.  They are such a delicate and enchanting spring flower!


Five Again!

Drew got to celebrate his birthday twice this year – a very rare occurrence! On Sunday we took him to Chuck E. Cheese in Des Moines.  Lots of family came along too to help celebrate.  Turning five is a big deal!!!!

Drew and Grandpa Meiners
Playing air hockey with big sister Abby and nephew Braxton - fun!
Playing air hockey with big sister Abby and nephew Braxton – fun!
90 year old Grandpa Meiners playing skee ball - he beat everybody!
90 year old Grandpa Meiners playing skee ball – he beat everybody!

Lots of fun for the little ones and the oldest one!  It was such fun to see Albert enjoying himself.

I’ve been stitching away in the evenings when I can.  I just love this little bunny and those strawberries – so sweet.  And a fun quick stitch.  Will have to stitch it into a pinkeep soon so I can enjoy it this spring!

Strawberries Bunny Pinkeep by primitivebettys
Strawberries Bunny Pinkeep
by primitivebettys

And this is what I’m working on now – this will take a little longer to finish.  I don’t always enjoy stitching lots of one color.  I guess I like to see  that I’m making progress when I stitch.  But, I’m making myself slow down and just enjoy the process of stitching with this one.  It’s fun to slowly see this dress take shape.  This stitch reminds me of days gone by, when life moved a lot slower and things seemed to be simpler.  It’s nice to slow down once in awhile in this fast paced world.

Winter Beekeeper Thread Board Stacy Nash Primitives
Winter Beekeeper Thread Board
Stacy Nash Primitives

Well, it’s time to start the day – laundry to hang out, rooms to clean, supper to plan.  I’m going to try out a new recipe – Honey Garlic Chicken Thighs.  Hope it turns out.  I’m working on getting a list of tried and true recipes everyone likes put in a notebook that I can use to menu plan.  My goal is to be able to plan a weekly menu using these recipes – so I can shop once a week and not make so many trips to the store after work.  Hoping to save myself some time and money.  Wish me luck!