Ready To Slow Down

I am so ready for things to slow down around here. Working at the school for two weeks was both rewarding and draining. I enjoyed the young man I was with although he was also quite the challenge. The school has hired a young girl to be with him and I think that’s good – she might be better suited to keep up with him! I was scheduled to work on Tuesday and on Thursday this week. Tuesday was canceled and Thursday rescheduled which was fine with me. I can use a week at home!

I had volunteered to help out at the school during their annual Color Run fundraiser but ended up working instead. Which worked out great as I was there all day and even though I was working I got to also spend time with Drew.

The kids had a great time dancing. They bring in a local DJ and she plays all the songs the kids love. The weather was iffy all day but it cleared up just enough for everyone to have fun for a couple of hours!

Drew’s teacher saw these boys taking a selfie and she just had to photobomb them. She’s such an involved teacher. She’s very update and fun!

I did manage to tackle this daunting task over the last month. All my DMC was in baggies. Hard to find, numberous duplicates, just very frustrating to sort through. After soooo many years of stitching I have accumulated soooo many threads. So instead of stitching I organized. I still have threads in baggies but I also have every DMC color organized like this. It is so nice now to pull out the threads I need without having to spend time sorting through piles. I should have done this years ago!

Braxton has been playing preschool soccer and we got to go to one of his games. He was lots of fun to watch. I get a kick out of these little ones – they have so much fun just running around out on the field. Little Bayah cuddled with me throughout the whole game which was fun too!

We we out for lunch after the soccer game for Aaron’s birthday. He wanted to go to Applebee’s in Iowa City. Everyone made it except for Eric who had to work. Jeremy looks grumpy in this picture but he had actually just shown Braxton how to make spit balls and shoot them through a straw. Braxton had a blast shooting them at Uncle Aaron who was a good sport. Especially when Drew got into the action too! I’m sure Applebee’s was glad to see us leave!

Perfect October Morning

Monday morning – Drew woke up early and wanted to cuddle. Who am I to say no when my baby asks to cuddle? He’s seven after all – it’s rare that he wants to cuddle with his mom! Then I dropped him off at school, stopped at the store for milk and potatoes for supper, took the groceries home and headed over to help Dad doctor a goat. On the way I stopped and snapped this picture.

As I was looking at this picture I realized how blessed I am. I’m blessed because these are the things that make me happy – cuddles with Drew, running simple errands, being able to help Dad when he needs it, a picture of the timber on a beautiful misty October morning. What more could I ask for? It’s times like these that remind me how good God is!

Our Home Sweet Away From Home!

After much debate and weather watching (cold and rain was in the forecast) last week we decided on Thursday to haul the camper out to Belva Deer. I’m glad we did. It was chilly. And it did rain. But fall is still the best time to camp. We just threw on layers and toughed it out and had a great time!

We found time to go for walks in between raindrops! This was a Sunday morning walk before Dad and Mom pulled out. Uncle Jerry and Todd came too but they pulled out Saturday afternoon. Uncle Jerry got up Friday morning and discovered he had a window missing in his bedroom! He’s not sure when he lost it but assumes it flew out while he was pulling. They were able to track one down right outside of Sigourney and ran and got it Saturday morning. There are times when technology is worth having! In the meantime they duck taped a piece of cardboard up and he said it kept him nice and warm and toasty! We didn’t pull out until later Sunday – it was nice to just have the campground to oursevles for awile. Joe and Drew went for a bike/scooter ride and I sat and enjoyed the fire.

The best part of the weekend was enjoying the campfire. There’s nothing better than cool air, a warm fire and good company! This may have been our last outing of the season and it was a good one!

Lake Darling

Uncle Terry’s fishing boat. You can’t spend time with a Houseal on a lake and not do some fishing!

We camped with family the weekend of the 14th at Lake Darling. A beautiful lake not too far from home. My cousin Brandi brought her camper, my aunts and uncles stayed in a hotel in Washington and came out to the lake each day, Uncle Jerry and cousin Todd brought Jerry’s camper, mom and dad had their new camper, my sister Beth brought her new RV, Aaron, Abby and Jeremy stayed with us. Cousin Jason came for the day Saturday. It was a family filled weekend for sure. And we rediscovered why we used to camp at Lake Darling all the time. It’s close to home and absolutely beautiful!

My three uncles – Terry, Donnie and Jerry. I love that even though Terry and Donnie are mom’s brothers and Jerry is dad’s brother in law they all know each other and enjoy each other’s company. I love all three of them and couldn’t have asked for better uncles!
I love love love this picture. My Uncle Terry, Drew, and my cousin Brandi’s grandaughter Marley. It brings back so many memories of going to Uncle Terry’s cabin on the Mississippi when I was little and going out on his boat with my two cousins. Uncle Terry is a true river rat and he loves to introduce the littles to the water!

Drew and sweet Bayah. She was a trooper – the weekend was extremely hot and humid and she couldn’t have been a better baby!

These three little monkeys had sooo much fun together!
My sister, Aunt Judy, Aunt Susan and me. Love my aunts – they are the best!

It was Dad and Mom’s 55th wedding anniversay. The weekend hadn’t been planned for this but we surprised them with a sign on their camper and a cake. Long story with the cake – I ordered one to be made and my order got lost – so Jeremy quick ran into Washington and picked one up. He decided a rainbow and unicorn cake was the best choice. Everyone loved it!

Under the Weather

My Sweet Autumn has been beautiful this season!

It’s been a long week and yet I’m not sure where the time has gone. Between me fighting some sort of stomach bug and Drew fighting an ear infection – nothing much has been accomplished that’s for sure. The weather here has been absolutely gorgeous – absolutely no complaints to be had. Every day has been perfect – the windows have been open and yet when you feel under the weather you don’t get to appreciate how nice out it is.

I’m hoping to feel better today. I have felt better every day this week and seem to be on the mend. Yesterday after school Drew and I ran to Oskaloosa for our last camping grocery haul of the season. We’re camping this weekend at Lake Darling with family. One last trip before we get things winterized and put away. I’m ready for that – I think I’m camped out. We’ve done most of our camping this summer with others and while I enjoy that, I’ve missed just us camping – Joe, Drew and I. It’s a lot more relaxing when it’s just us. But at the same time, we’re camping with extended family this weekend and there’s nothing better than spending quality time with family! Hopefully we can make this a yearly thing!

And back to today – I have got to accomplish some housework today. Things have really fallen by the wayside and I can’t face coming home from the weekend with this much mess. So, I’ve got the windows open, I’ll turn some music up loud, light a few fall scented candles and try to stay focused. Get my work done today so I can focus on packing the camper tomorrow and just enjoy our last camping trip of the season.

Buttons Buttons

I love buttons – all kinds of buttons – but old buttons most of all. So when Uncle Jerry asked me to go through some of Aunt Konnie’s craft items and take what I wanted – I chose her beautiful blue button tin full of buttons. I hated to leave her knitting needles behind and all her crochet thread but I don’t knit and I barely know how to crochet and I just don’t have room to store things like that. It was hard, very hard to leave them behind. But those buttons – they just had to come home with me. After getting them home and going through them I wonder if some of them weren’t Grandma’s buttons as many are really old. Dad said he’s pretty sure they are. That makes them even more special!

I have buttons all over the house in old canning jars and tins. I love to look at them, sort through them, just run them through my fingers. I save buttons off of clothes. I have even been known to buy a jar or two of buttons here and there at garage sales. I use them for magnets, in crafts, on my cross stitch projects. But this one blue tin full of buttons I won’t use. Aunt Konnie’s button tin – those I’ll keep just for me!

Familiy of Fishermen

This is something we haven’t done in a long long time – fishing a farm pond. I come from a family of fishhermen. And I remember many a summer afternoon growing up and going fishing with family. We have pictures of fish caught by my Grandpa Bond by noodling – big old river cats caught by wading into the river and sticking his hand in the catfish’s mouth and pulling it out. Dad always talks about that one that Grandpa could always get ahold of but could never pull up because it was so big – it would pull him down instead.

And then there’s my mom’s side of the family – the Houseals. Oh how they love to fish. And we reap the benefits with the annual Houseal Family Fish Fry. My mom’s brothers fish all season so they have an abundance of fish to feed us all. And Grandpa Houseal was a great fisherman. He took his fishing so seriously. When we were little I remember having to sit still and quiet. We were’t allowed to make any noise for fear we would scare the fish away. Those fish could sense us up on the bank and wouldn’t come near if we made a peep!

Even though I have fishing in my blood – I truly don’t enjoy fishing. My mom gets so frustrated with me. Because if I would just try it, I would love it! She takes after her dad – fishing is serious business! She forgets all those summer fishing afternoons we had growing up where I wasn’t given a choice – I had to fish. And don’t get me wrong – I love to be there, sitting on the bank of a pond or lake, with a book in my hand, relaxing and enjoying the surroundings. I enjoy watching others bring in a fish, how excited they get when they feel the tug on their line and how determined they are to bring it in. And the little ones – they are always so proud to show off their catch. But I just don’t enjoy doing it myself. I’m content to be the support team! I can put a worm on the hook with the best of the them – if I have to!

We spent Saturday afternoon at Uncle Jerry’s helping write out thank yous for Aunt Konnie. And after we were done, the kids wanted to go fishing. So we all jumped into the back of Uncle Jerry’s truck or onto the 4-wheeler and off we went. It was a beautiful day although very hot but the kids didn’t care. This was a pond where you threw your line in and pulled out a fish – no waiting involved – perfect for little boys with no patience! They caught little Bluegills that got thrown right back into the water. After fishing we went back to the house and Uncle Jerry grilled us ham steaks and we enjoyed each other’s company over supper. It was a good day.

No Reason

I took this picture out of the car window while the car was moving. For no reason other than I love this view. I’m not a photographer by any means and this is not the best photo but I love it anyway. We were heading home from Uncle Jerry’s house after spending the afternoon with him and my two cousins. Aunt Konnie had passed away the day before and we all felt the need to be together. This barn sits down the hill from their house, through the tiny town of Rubio and around the corner. A couple of days later when we drove by there were cows roaming all over that hill and that would have made an even better picture but Drew had my phone and I wasn’t thinking about taking pictures then. It was a beautiful August day, the sun was shining, the sky was a beautiful blue with little puffs of white floating by. I would have loved to have taken a book and wandered up that hill, sat down in the shade of that barn and just enjoyed the quiet.

Roberts Creek Park West – 2018

Fall will be here before we know it!

Roberts Creek – one of my favorite all time campgrounds. (I’m over a week behind on sharing this) We had to get a spot early as the campground fills up fast for the Sprint Car Nationals. So even though it wasn’t going to be used until Thursday, August 9th, by Joe’s friends we set it up the Sunday before, August 5th, on our way back home from camping at Clear Lake. We decided on the 6th, after Joe worked and Drew and I visited Aunt Konnie in the hospital, that since it was sitting there empty we would use it so off to Pella we went. We stayed Monday night and Tuesday night and then came home Wednesday night. Joe went to work both days while Drew and I relaxed, explored and enjoyed our time together. A quiet bonding time spent in nature after a hectic on the go friend filled time. It was just what we needed.

Drew found lots of creepy crawlies to keep him entertained. First he found this millipede while we went for a walk. He carried it back to the camper and we Googled millipedes to find out all about them!

Then came the walking stick – he was climbing the camper. I much preferred the millipede – walking sticks are a little too “aggressive” for me!

Isn’t this cute? We talked to the owner and he loved giving us a tour. He was from Colorado and was here for the races but his wife wouldn’t come along. He said she hates his little camper. I can’t say I blame him – it is awfully tight quarters!
I got a lot of stitching time in too! Love those little squirrels!
And we’re off exploring the trails!

A Bittersweet Day

My daughter Abby, me, Aunt Konnie and my sister Beth.

We said goodbye to my dad’s twin sister yesterday. My beautiful Aunt Konnie. Her son-in-law summed it up perfectly when he described her in three words. Kindness, servitude and humility. She was the kindest person I knew. She served others willingly. And she was the most humble person I ever met. She fought a hard battle with cancer and it was such a blessing when she passed. No more pain and suffering. There’s no doubt in anybody’s mind who knew her that she is in a better place today. She had a such a deep faith. It was uplifting to be around her. She will be missed by many. We loved her dearly.