Iowa State Fair – 2018

Yesterday we spent the day at the Iowa State Fair. We got tickets on sale from Fareway then thought we weren’t going to be able to fit a visit in after all that has gone on in the last couple of weeks. Then we decided to just take the day and go. The weather was perfect, there weren’t a lot of people there and we took our time and slowly wandered around. I have no idea what other state fairs are like to compare but the Iowa State Fair is really something to experience. My favorite is the animals barns, Joe likes the tractors and Drew wanted to see everything and do everything!

We love watching the chainsaw artists – such talent!
I would have loved to have taken this bench home with me!
The famous butter cow – no trip to the State Fair is complete without visiting the butter cow!
Of course Drew had to pet the goats!
A life size chalkboard horse – fun!
I wandered over to look at the real horses and when I came back Joe was writing on the chalkboard horse.
He does love me!
Of course we checked out the campers.
Drew’s girlfriend!
Drew and I rode the Ferris Wheel.
Ye Ole Mill – always a favorite.
Ye Ole Mill – we had to ride it twice – Drew loved it!
On the Sky Lift – it was a beautiful day – and not a lot of people which made the day so much more enjoyable!
Another Sky Lift view.
The Mountain Man exhibit was interesting.

A giant sand sculpture – they were working on it while we watched.
Drew loved this – he got to take a bag of the cracked corn home. The chickens loved it!

We didn’t come to close to seeing everything there was to see but it’s impossible to see it all in one day. All in all we had a very relaxed and enjoyable time. I’m okay with going to the State Fair about every three years or so but Joe likes to go yearly so I’m guessing we’ll be back to see it all again next year!

A Bittersweet Day

My daughter Abby, me, Aunt Konnie and my sister Beth.

We said goodbye to my dad’s twin sister yesterday. My beautiful Aunt Konnie. Her son-in-law summed it up perfectly when he described her in three words. Kindness, servitude and humility. She was the kindest person I knew. She served others willingly. And she was the most humble person I ever met. She fought a hard battle with cancer and it was such a blessing when she passed. No more pain and suffering. There’s no doubt in anybody’s mind who knew her that she is in a better place today. She had a such a deep faith. It was uplifting to be around her. She will be missed by many. We loved her dearly.

Clear Lake Car Show Camping Trip – 2018

Kelsey and Drew enjoying Clear Lake

Our annual camping trip to Clear Lake for the car show went by like a blur this year. We enjoyed watching the cars parade around the lake Friday night, then Joe’s sister and brother-in-law came Saturday for lunch and then uptown to see the cars. An evening around the campfire with the whole group of us. Then up early to clean the camper and make it ready for friends to use. On to Pella to set the camper up before finally getting home. It seemed like a whirlwind of activity in a short space of time. I’m obviously getting old – it was fun but it wore me out!


Drew found some free time to paint a pretty picture with the paints Uncle Les and Aunt Linda brought him!


I’ve always been a homebody but it seems the older I get and the longer I’m out of the workforce, the more of a homebody I’m becoming. Being away from home these past few days was fun but I would find myself wishing I was back home.  When we got home Sunday evening and headed down to check on the chickens I found our first blue egg. Matilda had laid her first egg while we were gone. It really didn’t matter that I wasn’t home when Matilda laid her first egg but it felt like I had missed out on a milestone in one of my baby’s lives! Silly I know but I just like to be home!

So Good To Be Home

We had lots of campfires over the weekend!

Wow – what a whirlwind the last few days have been. We left the house last Friday at noon headed to Clear Lake for our annual camping trip with friends. We had a fun, very busy weekend. Then Sunday we headed back to Pella where we were hoping to find a camping spot. Joe kindly offered our camper to a guy he used to work with. The sprint car nationals are held every year in Knoxville, Iowa and his friend lives in Pennsylvania and has always wanted to go to the races. We lucked out and found a spot (the campgrounds tend to fill up fast the week of nationals) and set the camper up. Then we headed home.

Just one of the many many neat vehicles we saw during the drive around the lake!

Monday saw Joe back to work and Drew and I went with my dad and mom to visit my Aunt Konnie who is in the hospital and not doing well at all. When we all got home, we decided to head back to the campground. We figured as long as the camper was sitting in Pella and Joe was scheduled to go to Vermeer both days anyway we might as well use it! So for the past two days Joe drove right into Pella to work and Drew and I stayed at the campground. We went from a very busy, nonstop on the go, friends and visitors everywhere camping weekend to a very quiet, laid back, back to nature, just us couple of days of camping. I have to say I really enjoyed the laid back days! We finally got home around 7:00 Wednesday evening. We unloaded the car and Joe headed back to the campground. His friends will be arriving tomorrow morning and he wanted to be there to show them around. It was fun to get some unexpected camping time in but it sure is good to be home!

Exploring a trail at Roberts Creek in Pella!

Stitching Away on Wednesday


I did a lot of stitching today. I should have been doing other things – like getting the camper ready for the weekend. But instead I stitched. Drew and I did run and get groceries after perusing the sale ads that came out today. Then back home to stitch some more.  I want to get this sampler done so I can start on an order. I’ve been stitching samplers here lately along with pillow tucks to sell but this one I’m going to keep for myself. I have no idea where I’m going to put it but it’s staying here with me!