Rainy Days

Drew eating his afternoon snack in the rain.

It’s been overcast and rainy the past three days here in southeast Iowa. But the birds sure are singing so we know spring is here! It’s a typical Iowa spring. It’s chilly and damp and there’s not much that can be done outside. Drew’s first soccer practice was canceled. Yesterday we decided to go to Des Moines to the camper show being held at the state fair grounds rather than sit around the house. My dad and mom went with us and we met up with some friends from Clear Lake.

Its perfect candle burning weather – this one is called Snickerdoodle – yum!

None of us are looking to buy a camper but we always have fun looking. We look at all the different choices and go home still loving the one we have. That’s a good thing!

 Today is another overcast, drizzly, chilly day – one of those lazy sit around the house days. It’s nice to have one once in awhile. Joe had to leave to go north for work this morning – as much as he hates leaving on a Sunday, he doesn’t mind so much when he’s headed to Clear Lake – to work for the next couple of days with a good friend who works for the same company.  They have fun together even if it is work. Eric is home all day which is a treat for me. I feel like I hardly get to see him anymore. So the boys and I are being bums this afternoon and enjoying our time together! (Of course Eric has basketball going on TV – but that’s okay – I’ll survive!)


Quiet Days

After such a busy weekend it’s nice to have a quiet week. We haven’t done much of anything this week. Joe has been busy with work. The boys are gone to school every day and I’ve been getting the house back in order. It never fails, when we have busy days the house becomes a mess. Laundry and picking up – that’s my week so far and that’s fine with me. Drew starts soccer tomorrow night, prom and birthdays next month and graduation in May. Busy days ahead. I need to enjoy these quiet peaceful days as they will be few and far between in the coming months.

Keep Saved . . .

Keep saved the memories of your ancestors. – Family record sampler

I love this quote – and the fact that it comes from an old sampler makes it mean even more! (Not a good picture but I didn’t want a picture of me in the photo!) One way that I keep saved the memories of my ancestors. My great-grandma’s dressing table. Dresser scarves stitched by my grandma. The glass powder container was my mother-in-law’s and a cigarette case that belonged to my grandfather. And a couple of pictures of my mom when she was little. I love keeping saved the memories of my ancestors by decorating my house with their possessions. These possessions mean so much more to me than anything new I could buy in a store!

Stormy Night – Beautiful Morning

We had a little wind last night. Actually we had a lot of wind last night. But we are thankful – the only damage we had was to Drew’s swing set. We heard something hit the house with a loud bang and we could see during the lightening flashes that the swing set was down. We assumed that part of it hit the house. We’re not sure what actually did hit but it wasn’t any part of the swing set. Thankfully no damage was done to the house. A tornado warning and 60 to 80 mph hour winds were predicted so we consider ourselves lucky.

Our neighbor’s horses. I never tire of this view!

This is what we have today. Big, beautiful, fluffy white clouds. There’s a cold breeze blowing but the sun is out. A beautiful March day in Iowa.

Sunday Surprise

My springy kitchen window display. I finished this cute little pin keep by Tammy Black of Scattered Seed Samplers and wanted to be able to enjoy it so what better place – I see it everyday while doing dishes! It goes well with my quail eggs and sweet little nest from Gable House Goods

We had a nice surprise Sunday morning. Jeremy and Abby were out for a drive and brought Braxton over to visit! I love unplanned visits from my kids! The boys played outside for a little bit but it was just too chilly and windy so they ended up inside. Drew was so excited to get to see Braxton – he’s been so bored being at home now that he’s feeling so much better. We sat and chatted for awhile then went to town for lunch before they had to get back home. I didn’t get any pictures. I guess I was too focused on their visit!

Another finish – Ann’s Sampler Sewing Tray by Stacy Nash. I love how it turned out.

It’s nice to have Joe back too. Saturday we ran to Washington to pick up his deer meat. We tried to get Aaron to go out to lunch with us while we were there but he was at work and couldn’t get away. Later in the afternoon we ran over to my dad and mom’s to give them some deer meat. Since Joe hunted their timber and that’s where he got the deer he thought he should offer them some of the meat! He had it made into sticks, bologna and summer sausage. Perfect for snacking on. We ended up staying for supper before we headed back home. We didn’t get much accomplished over the weekend but we did get to see family and that’s what’s important!

A very quick stitch. I changed the colors of the birds to blue – my favorite color! Keep Song in They Hearty by Country Rustic Primitives – Jenny Hoffman.

Last night Joe grilled for supper. Our small town grocery store has changed hands and they have put in a full service meat counter and we have definitely been taking advantage of it. So far we love their bacon wrapped three cheese chicken breasts, their butterfly pork chops and their bacon wrapped asparagus spears. Yummy stuff! With Joe being gone last week and Eric being busy most nights, I hadn’t really cooked a big meal. Eric was home last night and he sure enjoyed his supper. I couldn’t believe how fast he ate a pork chop! We also had homemade macaroni salad and ranch potatoes and carrots. With plenty of leftovers for tonight – which always makes me happy.

We had a nice relaxing weekend. Nowhere we had to go, nothing we had to do. Just time with family and at home. Those weekends are always the best! And I had just enough time to get some finishes done to enjoy too!


Drew Was Here

He asked me where the clothes pins were. I should have known he was up to something! I have no idea why there is a white fox hanging on his “clothes line” along with some of his clean clothes – probably to torment Pierre since the fox is his toy! 

Little houses …

I finished this little cross stitch yesterday. I condensed the pattern to fit into this frame I already had. Love grows best in little houses. After almost 27 years in this little house I like to think this is true. We’ve looked at different houses over the years but never found anything we thought would be the perfect fit for us. We’re not that picky – at least not where the house is concerned. Our pickiness is directed more towards location. We have to live in the country. In my younger years, I wanted someplace that was far far away – gravel road, long drive, no neighbors. Now that I’m older, I can appreciate the fact that we live along the highway. We can always get to town, no matter the weather. And very little gravel. You have to turn onto the gravel to get to our driveway but that is all. I would like to not even have that at this point. Gravel dust is not fun when it’s dry out. And neighbors are nice to have. We have great neighbors. They aren’t that close but it’s nice to know they are there!

This little house is where we brought all three boys home after they were born. Abby was two when we moved here. It’s where all our memories are. Three bedrooms, one bathroom, four kids. With the kids spread out in age we’ve never had all four living here at the same time so I suppose that helped. There’s two still at home now. Eric will be going to college in the fall so we’ll be down to one. This tiny house will feel like a mansion yo us then. In all the years we’ve never only had one kid at home. Hopefully Eric will come home for the summers – at least that first summer. He knows he’s always welcome!

I used to enjoy watching House Hunters. I had to laugh every time they would list their must haves – one bathroom was never enough. Two sinks in the master bath was a requirement. The bigger the house seemed to be the better. And yet, we’ve lived in this little old farm house with low ceilings, one small bathroom and small kitchen. We eat our meals in the dining room. We do our living in the living room. We always know where the other one is. You really can’t get lost in this house! And we’re cozy. We’re happy. We have everything we need.

We have three acres for the kids to run and play. We have a shop outside for the guys to build things and work on things. We have room to have a clothes line and a garden (which I’m hoping to have this year!). We have room for the dog to run. We have a fire pit. We have a nice big driveway for people to park their cars. We have room for the camper in the summer. We have everything we need and then some. We have so many memories in this little house. I’m happy here. I’m content. I do think love grows best in little houses!

Photo #2

My February photo. It’s a little more panoramic than January’s. Definitely not as green. I wonder what the March photo will look like? We’ve had cold days and unseasonably warm days this month. I’ve even hung clothes out and been outside with bare arms and bare feet. Very unusual for this time of the year. It was so nice to be able to open up windows and let the fresh air in. Today is a nice sunny day with a high of 55. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 60’s with a chance of rain. Then Wednesday and Thursday looks like high 30’s and chance of snow. We could still be in for some cold, snowy winter weather. I never mind it so much this time of the year – we know that spring is just around the corner and I do love the snow!

January 3, 2017
February 3, 2017

Happy Valentine’s Day!

We don’t do anything special for Valentine’s Day. I used to make a special meal, set a pretty table with candles and hearts and surprise Joe and the kids with chocolates and cards. I haven’t been able to coordinate something like that for a few years. It’s amazing how busy our lives can become. Especially when you have children so spread apart in age. I was going to try for last night but Joe had to be unexpectedly gone overnight for work. Then Eric wanted to go to the basketball game after bowling practice. Tonight Eric won’t be home because he’s gone to support the bowlers who made it to sub state. So – I gave Eric his chocolates and card this morning before school and will give Drew and Joe theirs tonight. I am helping out at the Kindergarten party this afternoon so that will be a nice Valentine’s surprise for Drew. Hopefully I will have time to make S’mores brownies when we get home to go with our leftovers for supper.  I’ll light a candle and supper can still be special. Joe will be home and the three of us can enjoy our evening together. I’ll give Joe and Drew their cards and chocolates. We’ll have fun picking out which chocolates we want to eat because I know they’ll share with me!

The above picture is my of Aunt Konnie on the left and my dad on the right. They are twins. Ronnie Rae and Konnie Kae. Aren’t they just the cutest! Grandpa and Grandma did such a great job of taking pictures of them and I’m lucky to have so many of them. This is one of my favorites. I have the doll too, which I cherish. They have a birthday coming up on the 16th. I’ll have to share more pictures!

Iowa weather

There wasn’t much to report last week. Just typical days. Kids to school, Joe to work, Eric to work and bowling practice and a bowling meet we couldn’t get to. I just can’t justify taking Drew out of school at 1:00 to go to a 2:00 bowling meet in a neighboring town although I hate missing seeing Eric. He understands and says we don’t need to go to any of them. But, we very rarely miss supporting the kids in whatever they are involved in. He has a meet this week in town – we will definitely be there for that one!

Joe and I did go to Coon Rapids Friday and stayed through Saturday. His dad decided after breaking his hip and being in assisted living that he wanted to stay there. He wants to sell the house and had a household auction Saturday. We went up Friday and helped set things up then stayed over to be there for the sale and to help with clean up. It went well. Joe’s dad is 91. He’s doing great – sharp as a tack and physically he does great with his walker – but he didn’t want to have the worry of a big old house to deal with. He’s living in a beautiful place where he can come and go as he pleases and has no worries. His meals are fixed for him and he has friends all around. No lawn to mow or snow to shovel.  It’s perfect for him and he’s happy. Couldn’t ask for more for him.

A page from the Joe’s mom’s cookbook. I love the well used, handwritten pages. So much more personal than my three ring binder full of printed off pages. I’m going to start writing more down on recipes cards. Printing things off may be faster but there’s nothing personal there to cherish.

We didn’t come home with much. Joe bought a couple of tools. I bought an old stool that his dad used out in his shop. Old, chippy, colorful, perfect! A handwritten cookbook of his mom’s and an old glass jar – I think it held powder at one time. I’ll find the perfect homes for them here and they will be cherished for years to come. Hopefully the kids will cherish them someday too.


Drew was sick all day yesterday and he’s still not feeling the best today. You know he’s not well when he lays on the couch all day. Yesterday he wanted to be cuddled and loved all day. Today not so much. He didn’t want me around – so even though he’s not up and moving I know he’s feeling better when he doesn’t want his mommy!

We had ice last night – and rain today – fog tonight. You never know what kind of weather we’re going to have. This was our driveway this morning:

Getting foggy.

We have a few tree branches down I noticed.  A layer of ice and then rain on top of the ice. Not fun. I was glad we didn’t have to go anywhere. School was canceled. Joe had a hard time getting up and out of the drive with the truck in four wheel drive. But – the highways were clear – thank goodness for that. I love living in the country and until recently I have wished we didn’t live along the highway but the older I get, the more I appreciate the fact that we can always get to town. If we can get out of the driveway!

Thanks for stopping by – Rhonda