Another Chilly, Overcast Day

Yesterday’s sun was short lived. Today we have overcast skies and it is chilly out there. Joe decided to burn off the grass around the pond. I call it a watering hole. It used to be a nice, pretty little pond and even had a sandy beach area for the kids but then we had muskrats. Joe did a great job keeping them under control but all of a sudden they just took over and they’ve ruined the pond. It doesn’t hold much water anymore. I prefer to keep the grass growing up around it so we don’t see it so much but Joe hates the way that looks so this year he’s decided to burn around it. He’s having a little trouble get it to go because it’s been so wet. That’s better than worrying about the fire taking off though. That is always my fear when he decides to start burning.

Since they never got the fire to really take off around the pond – Joe and Drew decided to roll the yard. Sometimes I like to ride on the 4-wheeler with them when they do this but it’s just too cold for me today. I’ll stay inside, do some laundry, pick up the house and just piddle around instead! I see Drew’s teddy bear has decided to go along for the ride!